Nondiscrimination Statement

Statement of Nondiscrimination

It is the policy of ISD #91 to comply with federal and state law prohibiting discrimination. No person in the school district shall, on grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, marital status, age, public assistance, or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any education program, or in employment, or recruitment, consideration, or selection, therefore, whether full time or part time under an education program or activity for which the school district is responsible.


The Title IX/504 Grievance Process: Any School District student who believes he/she is the victim of discrimination on the basis of sex or in violation of Title IX may file a formal grievance in writing directed to Alycia Dammer, High School Counselor, (3675 County Road 13, Barnum MN 55707 218389-3273 ext.1008); Brian Kazmierczak, High School Principal (3675 County Road 13, Barnum MN 55707 389-3273 ext.1006) The following grievance/complaint procedure is established to receive complaints.

However, when any district office or school level administrator learns of an alleged incident of discrimination/harassment, the District is obligated to investigate.


  1. The grievance/complaint may be made orally or may be filed in writing.
  2. The complainant has sixty (60) days from the date of the incident for the initial filing.
    1. If the complaint is made orally, the Counselor or High School Principal receiving the complaint shall record it in written form, which shall be reviewed and acknowledged by the complainant to verify its accuracy.
    2. The complainant may withdraw a complaint at any time.
    3. The District will investigate all complaints of discrimination/harassment.
  3. The investigator will within five (5) working days after acknowledging receipt of the complaint, interview the complainant to obtain any additional information needed to clarify the complaint.
  4. When the complaint is received, the respondent shall be advised of the existence of the receipt of the complaint, provided with a copy of the complaint and advised that any interference in the investigation or any retaliation against the complainant will subject the respondent to disciplinary action.
    1. The respondent shall be given an opportunity to respond to the complaint. Such response shall be made to the investigator either orally or in writing within five (5) working days of receipt of the complaint.
  5. The school official handling the complaint will report to the complainant as to a possible resolution of the complaint within five (5) working days of receipt of a response from respondent.
  6. After receipt of the initial complaint, the investigation shall include but not be limited to investigating all allegations by the complainant, interviewing any witnesses, including co-workers and supervisors, and taking statements from witnesses and other persons who may be able to provide valid and relevant information. Upon completion of the investigation, the investigator shall provide a final written disposition of the complaint containing a summary of findings, and an analysis and conclusion to the complainant and respondent.
  7. The complainant may request a review of the final disposition by notifying the Superintendent within five (5) working days after receiving the final disposition.
  8. Within fifteen (15) working days following receipt of the complainant’s request for further review, the alternate shall render a written decision to the complainant and the respondent either to dismiss the complaint or to initiate corrective action.
  9. The use of this grievance/complaint procedure shall not prohibit the complainant from seeking redress from other appropriate sources, some of which are referenced below.

To the extent permitted by law, confidentiality will be maintained to the highest degree possible since an effective investigation requires the discussion of certain information with certain individuals.

Office for Civil Rights, Chicago Office (Region V)
U. S. Department of Education
500 W. Madison Street Suite 1475
Chicago, Illinois 60661
(312) 730-1560
FAX: (312) 730-1576
TDD: (312) 730-1609
Phone: US Central office, Washington, DC: 1-800-421-3481
MN Department of Human Rights
190 E 5th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
TDD 651.296.1283
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
330 S. 2nd Avenue
Suite 430
Minneapolis, MN 55401
TDD 612.335.4045
Office of Civil Rights-Chicago Office
U.S. Department of Education
500 W. Madison Street Suite 1475
Chicago, Illinois 60661
(312) 730-1560
FAX: (312) 730-1576
TDD: (312) 730-1609