Procedures – Academic


Students in grade 12 will be allowed to use 3 days during the school year to visit post-secondary schools and students in grade 11 will be allowed 1 school visit in the spring. Arrangements must be made through the high school counselor. If additional days are needed the parents of the student should contact the high school principal or the high school counselor to make arrangements for additional college visits.


The following are available to students of Barnum High School:

  1. PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Option): The student’s family must provide written notification to BHS of the intent to apply for admission to the program by March 30. It is recommended that all Social Studies and English courses will be taken on the BHS campus. Students are to check with the office before purchasing books for their classes. BHS may have the books you need. You will be responsible for payment of books should you purchase a text that BHS already owns. At the completion of the PSEO course books are to be returned to the college.
  2. College in the school (UMD)
  3. Associate of Arts degree at Barnum HS
  4. Open enrollment: The application for open enrollment must be received in the resident district by January 15.
  5. Concurrent enrollment with Lake Superior College.
  6. Information may be requested from the principal and counselor.


Parents are encouraged to request homework for their sick child if the child is absent for two or more days. Call the high school office before 10:00 on the second day, to receive assignments the same day. Requests made after 10:00 may be picked up the next day at 10:00


A listing of both A and B honor rolls is compiled at the end of each quarter and is published in the local newspapers as well as in various areas throughout the school. Requirements for the A honor roll: GPA of 3.667 or above with no grades lower than B-; B honor roll: GPA of 3.0 or higher with no grades lower than C-. An incomplete (I), NP or F in any course disqualifies the student from membership in either of the honor rolls. Students enrolled as a PSEO student must submit his or her grades at each semester to be eligible for the honor roll. PSEO students are not eligible for quarter 1 and quarter 3 honor roll awards.


Students have two weeks to make up incomplete work and will be given an “I” on their report card. During this time, students will lose privileges. At the end of the two weeks, the “I” will become an F. In the event that an extenuating situation exists that may require additional time for completing coursework, the student must convince the teacher that the additional time request is reasonable. If the incomplete grade is granted, the student.


For every day of a valid student absence, the student is given one day in which to make up schoolwork. However, if a test has been assigned and the student misses that day only, he/she is expected to take the test on the day of return to school. Students with invalid absences will not receive credit for work or tests missed in class; however, the opportunity to make inquiries concerning assignments and tests will not be denied. Work missed due to an invalid absence must be completed to the teacher’s specifications to facilitate continued learning in the course. Detention will also be assigned for all invalid absences.


It is the expectation that Barnum High School students complete all of their assignments in a timely manner. For those students needing extra help and/or time, the Media Center is open before school from 7:45-8:30 am and after school from 3:15-4:30 (Monday-Thursday). Time is also available during advisory (5th hour), and tutoring is available throughout the school year. Students needing help beyond these offerings are encouraged to speak with their teacher to create a plan that will help them be successful. Parents will be informed daily of missing assignments.


Phy Ed is an educational class, and if a student needs to be excused from this class for a medical/ physical reason, the following procedures will apply:

  1. A parent’s note giving the reason for non-participation is acceptable for maximum two-day exclusion.
  2. A physician’s slip giving the reason and dates of exclusion is required if the student is to be excused for longer than two days.
  3. A modified Phy Ed program (as appropriate) will be offered to a student for the duration of the time that full activity is restricted.


The registration guide has been prepared to help you understand the curriculum offerings as well as State of Minnesota Graduation Standard Requirements. There are brief course descriptions of all courses we offer for the school year. Study the course descriptions and other pertinent information given. The course description guide may be obtained from the counselor’s office.

Each student is required to register for a minimum of seven classes per day. Remember your high school education is a foundation that will remain with you for your lifetime.


Grades 7 and 8: If a student fails three (3) core subjects such as English, Math, Social Studies and/or Science, he/she will repeat the grade. The four quarters will be averaged to determine the grade.

Grades 9-12: A student must pass all courses of study required by the State and BHS. Any required subject failed must be repeated until a passing letter grade is attained. Any elective subject failed can be substituted by another elective subject.

Credit Standard: The following number of credits must be earned to be considered for a grade level:

Sophomore status – 6 Credits          Junior status – 13 Credits          Senior status – 19 Credits


Students receive class schedules on the first day of each semester and are responsible for meeting the graduation requirements of District 91. Schedules should be reviewed so that the students meet all of the required credits. Schedule changes are difficult to make after school starts. Students who feel that it is necessary to make a schedule change should fill out the appropriate form available from the principal’s office. Priorities for changes are as follows: 1. Meet requirements for graduation; 2. Teacher recommendation for academic reasons; 3. Meet university admission requirements; 4. Class too hard/easy

A student changing classes must have a schedule change form issued by the principal’s office and signed by the teacher of the class he/she is leaving and by the teacher of the class he/she is entering. Schedule changes are allowed only during the first week of a semester, although a student may drop a class after this time period. A student withdrawing 10 days into the semester with a failing grade will receive an “F” if his/her grade is failing. Students will not be given partial credit for a semester course that is dropped after one quarter of enrollment.


The following is the school-wide grading scale           

A 100-93.5 C 77.49-73.5
A- 93.49-89.5 C- 73.49-69.5
B+ 89.49-87.5 D+ 69.49-67.5
B 87.49-83.5 D 67.49-63.5
B- 83.49-79.5 D- 63.49-59.5
C+ 79.49-77.5 F 59.49-0


Conferences are held in the Fall and the Spring. This is an ideal time to exchange information concerning your student. Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend the conferences. Contact can also be made through the counselor’s or principal’s office or directly with the teacher(s) involved.