

Parents will be notified in writing of test results. In addition, parents will be notified of remediation opportunities.


Students in grades 9-12 will have opportunities to select learning experiences from the following options

  1. After-school enrichment activities – during the month prior to the testing
  2. Tutorial programs
  3. Individualized learning programs for special needs students
  4. Area learning center – optional (consistent with district policy)
  5. Pre-intervention and/or referral to special education or 504 for an individual education plan
  6. Other – as selected by parent/student/staff


Our school district has a support staff who provides student services beyond those received in the regular classroom.

Adaptive Physical Education: Our Adaptive Physical Education teacher works with some students who have coordination problems or motor development delay.

Counselor: The school counselor works directly with students on academic, career, preventive, social, personal and developmental issues. The counselor consults and collaborates with the students, teachers, parents, principal, case worker, support staff and outside agencies. The counselor organizes, coordinates and/or participates in programs such as alcohol, drug and violence prevention activities; scheduling; graduation rule requirements; graduation; school-to-work; testing; placement; peer helping/mediation; developing guidance units; special education services; and staff in-services.

Nurse: The school nurse’s hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The nurse will normally be at the high school from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and the elementary school from 11:40 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Psychologist: The psychologist assesses some students (after parental permission is obtained) for a better understanding of the student’s needs.

Speech Clinician: The speech clinician works with students who have communication disorders such as articulation problems or language delay.

Teachers: Teachers are the students’ best resource. They give extra help and can also refer other programs.

Tutoring Services: Tutoring services will be available in the High School Media Center after school Monday – Thursday. Parents may also contact the Youth Center or Community Education office for more information.

Special Education Specialists: All students referred for special education assessment must have signed parental permission prior to assessment. After the assessment, parents/guardians will be called for a conference or staffing to discuss appropriate services.

In accordance with State and federal mandates, the School District seeks out, assesses and appropriately serves students with disabilities. School District staff use a comprehensive child study process to systematically screen, assess and, if appropriate, place students in special education services.

Students are entitled to a free appropriate public education in the “least restrictive environment” (usually the school the child would attend if the child did not have a disability). Services are provided in a number of significant special education areas. Students, families or teachers may inquire at the school office for the services provided by the School District and for the procedures used in the referral process.

Section 504

Barnum High School ensures that individuals with disabilities associated with the district either as students, school staff, or parents of students, are not discriminated against as a result of a disability. The district abides by the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Section 504 states:

“No otherwise qualified individual with a disability….shall solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

In compliance with Section 504 and ADA, BHS agrees to provide students covered under these acts with a free appropriate public education. Under 504 and ADA, a person is considered to have a disability if that person (29 U.S.C. Sec. 706(8):

  • Has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person’s major life activities,
  • Has a record of such an impairment, or
  • Is regarded as having such an impairment Physical or mental impairment is defined as:
    • any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological; musculoskeletal; special sense organs; respiratory; including speech organs; cardiovascular; reproductive; digestive; genito-urinary; hemis and lymphatic; skin; and endocrine; or
    • Any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation; organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities (34CFR104, p336-337) It is important to remember that the presence of a mental or physical impairment in and of itself does not qualify an individual for a 504 individual education plan (IEP).

504 and Equal Opportunities for Students

Section 504 relates to equal opportunities for disabled students “as otherwise qualified.”

  1. These include opportunities for the following:
    1. Academic curriculum as non-disabled students depending upon being “otherwise qualified.” New and renovated buildings must be accessible. If an older building is not accessible, then the disabled student must have access to the curriculum. This in many cases may be met by relocating the activity so that it is accessible.
    2. Non-academic and extra-curricular activities (e.g., clubs). Disabled students, however, must meet the same requirements (e.g., membership requirements) for all students.
    3. All activities that are available for students without disabilities (e.g., field trips, after school)

Process in Addressing 504

  1. BHS designated to coordinate/chair 504 process is Alycia Dammer, 389-3273 ext. 1008
  2. Refer students suspected as eligible. A referral is made to BHS’s Student Assistant Team (SAT)
  3. Staff development / in-service: Teachers and personnel must have information in order to know when and how to refer students suspected of having disabilities that may qualify for 504 or IDEA.
  4. A committee of educators must be established to determine eligibility.
  5. The SAT is the mechanism for determining eligibility. Parents must be invited to attend; however, attendance is not required. While physicians and other health professionals may make various diagnoses regarding disabilities or impairments, school personnel make the eligibility determination. This is the legal right of school personnel. Input, however, from parents and other professionals such as physicians may be considered. A diagnosis of a disability and/or recommendation for a 504 IAP by a physician or other professional does not determine eligibility.
  6. Evaluate to determine eligibility.
  7. The evaluation is a process and may include formal/informal assessment and/or observations, anecdotal information, educational records, documentation by appropriate professionals.
  8. Eligibility is based upon professional judgment of the educators in the Student Assistant Team.
  9. Develop accommodation plans.


The SAT is also the mechanism for determining the educationally reasonable and sound strategies to be contained in the 504 Individual Accommodations Plan (IAP) for students determined eligible.

  1. The needs of many students with mental or physical impairments may be addressed within the 504 plan or Individual Health Plan (IHP), as determined appropriate on a case-by case basis.
  2. Implement accommodations for free appropriate public education (FAPE). With the inclusion of extra-curricular activities.
  3. The Section 504 Coordinator will determine whether providing information regarding a student’s accommodation pursuant to his or her Section 504 Plan should be provided to staff of students who are participating in extracurricular activities or employers of students participating in school-related employment.
  4. Periodic re-evaluation:
    1. Annual Review: In BHS a review of the 504 IAP will be conducted annually. This should be conducted within the first few weeks of school each school year, and as needed, according to changes in impairment and effectiveness of strategies.
  5. Provide due process safeguards.
    1. “Just as with IDEA, due process is an important component in Section 504 and ADA services. School personnel must ensure that they understand the due process requirements of Section 504 and that they follow the appropriate procedures…(Smith, p. 39)”

Parents or guardians are to be provided with procedural safeguards when 504 eligibility is a consideration. These include:

  1. Notice of their rights;
  2. An opportunity to examine relevant records;
  3. An impartial hearing that may be initiated by either the parents/guardian or the school district, with opportunity for participation by the student’s parents or guardian. The student/parent is entitled to have representation by legal course;
  4. A review procedure.

A copy of the 504 parental rights is to be provided to the parents at the 504 meeting discussing 504 eligibility. If the parents are not present, a copy will be provided to the parents.


School District employees are required to report evidence of child physical or sexual abuse, neglect, emotional maltreatment or prenatal exposure to controlled substances. Any person who is required to report this evidence and who willfully fails to do so will be guilty of a misdemeanor. At the same time, any person who reports child neglect, physical or sexual abuse, emotional maltreatment or prenatal exposure to controlled substances is immune from civil or criminal liability that otherwise might result from such action.

The school principal, school nurse, counselor and/or reporter of the incident may discuss the situation with the child or youth and emphasize that the school is not interested in accusing or punishing anyone but, rather, is interested in helping ensure that the maltreatment does not continue.

Upon receiving a report of suspected neglect, physical or sexual abuse, emotional maltreatment or prenatal exposure to controlled substances, the reporter of the incident or the principal must call the proper authorities within 24 hours. Each local social service agency and law enforcement agency has legal authority to interview at school, without parental consent, the alleged victim and any other minors who currently reside with, or who have resided with, the alleged perpetrator.