Events and Services

  Events and Services

BES Open House

The Open House is held before the start of the school year allowing students and parents the opportunity to meet teachers and visit classrooms ahead of time. The Barnum PTO provides entertainment and a supper of hot dogs and chips at the open house.

Please stop by our PTO booth to find out more about joining the PTO, volunteering, and our new Fall fundraiser.

BES Scholastic Book Fair

Book Fair is a treat for everyone! Your Book Fair purchase benefits your kids, their teachers, our school, and underprivileged kids around the country. The Scholastic Book Fairs are typically held in the Barnum Elementary Library.

KIDS – The students LOVE the fun that Book Fair brings, especially the fun contests and activities associated with the fun reading themes and, of course, going home with new books in hand!

TEACHERS – Support your child’s classroom by buying a book from a teacher’s “Wish List” to help build their classroom libraries, which your child will again benefit from.

SCHOOL – The Book Fair profits are used to buy the newest and greatest books to keep your library up-to-date, storage equipment for books, books for the Title I program, and other various reading needs and incentives.

SHARING – For each dollar collected in the “One for Books” donation jar, Scholastic will donate one book to a less fortunate child somewhere in the U.S., and will also donate matching funds back to BES!

It’s easy to see how EVERYONE can benefit from each Book Fair purchase!

Conference Meals

The Barnum PTO provides meals for teachers and staff during the fall and spring conferences for both the Elementary and High School. Thank you to our caterers and all of our volunteers that contribute delicious food items!

Field Trip Scholarships

With the rising cost of gasoline, some classes were faced with the possibility of having to eliminate field trips due to the excessive cost of transportation. PTO believes that field trips are an important part of education and are fun for our kids, so we are making an effort to see that field trips can continue.

All Arts Day


PTO funds the cost of providing a porta-potty located near the Elementary School playground for the convenience of all.

Past Events and Services

  • Artist in Residence – PTO brought you Mr. Billy the musical artist, who taught students about the six traits of writing by using a songwriting theme. The PTO has also brought in a cartoonist/artist who taught creative drawing skills to the students of the week.
  • Grandparents Day – PTO members help with refreshments for this special musical event.
  • Korwin Kronenberg “Above the Line” – PTO sposonsored Mr. Kronenberg’s presentation to the students. After such an impressive presentation, the PTO then chose to host a family pizza presentation night to introduce this program to parents. The “Above the Line” protocol is still used at BES as an effective behavior tool.
  • Elementary Playground Equipment – The PTO launched a huge fundraising campaign to purchase the playground equipment at the Elementary School in 1997.
  • Playground Painting – The painting of the United States on the playground was initiated by the PTO and the cost of the upkeep was funded through the PTO and the artistic efforts of Ms. Lori Carlson!
  • Rock Climbing Wall – In April 2006, the PTO funded the purchase and installation of the rock climbing wall in the BES cafeteria for student use during physical education classes and other activities.
  • Arboretum – The beautiful flower/rock garden near the playground pavilion was started by the PTO. It is tended to by PTO volunteers and Little B’s helpers.
  • Student Planners – The PTO has helped fund the purchase of student planners for all students Grades 3-12.
  • Gifted and Talented Program – PTO donated the Book Fair proceeds to fund the Gifted and Talented program when it was in existence.
  • School Board Member Forum – PTO has previously sponsored a forum for community members to meet and ask questions of school board candidates vying for this important role in the community. This forum allowed community members an opportunity to meet the candidates, ask questions, and gather information before making their important decision on voting day.
  • Spring Show-Off – PTO donated the refreshments and helped organize this springtime event to highlight the artistic talents and musical abilities of Barnum students.
  • Santa’s Giftland – Santa’s Giftland is a community service event hosted by the PTO that allows children to independently purchase gifts for family members.
  • Track and Field T-Shirts –  PTO initiated getting t-shirts made for all elementary students for Track and Field Day, making it easier to identify students by grade and improving safety.
  • Helped fund the following:
    • BHS Spanish Club
    • Dry Erase Boards for classrooms
    • BHS Natural Resources Class
    • BHS Life Skills Class
    • BHS Family and Consumer Science Class
    • Purchased new band music
  • Donated to the following programs:
    • One Act Play – to attend the festival in St. Paul
    • Father/Daughter Dance
    • Post Prom
    • Community Easter Egg Hunt
  • 2 Hour Power Volunteer Program – The PTO runs the 2 Hour Power Volunteer Program to help find volunteers for all types of  PTO and Elementary School events and activities.