Facilities Project

The high school building is closed for construction summer 2024. All business is being conducted at the elementary school at 3813 E North St.

Work is also being done at the elementary – replacing old windows and old sections of the roof.



RECAP: In July 2021, recognizing that our buildings were aging and our budget was inadequate to pay for costly needed repairs and upgrades, we signed an agreement to work with ICS to help guide us through the development of a facilities plan. This was followed by listening sessions with staff, students and community, the initial approval of the project at the December 2021 board meeting before going back to the drawing board, and numerous tours and question and answer sessions between ICS, administration, staff and the board. Finally, at the October 2022 board meeting, the board approved moving forward with improvements at both the elementary and high schools. While both buildings have been well maintained, the high school building is now over 40 years old and the elementary has older sections of the building as well. Due to age, there are major components, such as the heating plant, ventilation and roof sections that are well beyond life expectancy requiring costly repairs, and needing to be upgraded to meet today’s design and code standards. The following are the planned improvements at the High School  and Elementary:

  • Replace original heating plant
  • Replace majority of original ventilation systems
  • Update the fire alarm and lighting system
  • Replace an original section of roof 
  • Repair/upgrade parking lots and drives 
  • Provide dehumidification
  • Replace a 1989 roof section
  • Replace older windows
  • Repair parking lots and drives 
  • Boiler repairs and new water heaters
  • Upgrade an older ventilation system with dehumidification

FUNDING: The district will fund $1,893,900 of the plan through existing revenues received through Long Term Facilities Maintenance (LTFM) funding.  $485,000 will be funded through a levy increase utilizing Abatement Bonding (parking lot work) and $7,864,500 per MN Statute 123B.57 LTFM / IAQ Bonding (ventilation upgrades).

PROGRESS & TIMELINE:  The district’s Facility Committee, along with the chosen consulting team, ICS, began design/engineering of the High School projects Spring 2023.  Projects were competitively bid Fall 2023 per state law and the majority of the work will happen summer of 2024. The district is self-executing the Elementary Projects.

QUESTIONS / MORE INFORMATION:  Please contact the district office (218-389-6978) with questions or visit the district web site at isd91.org/district/building-project/ for additional documentation and project updates.